What is Cloud Computing ?
About what is cloud computing, also some topics related to cloud computing like advantages and limitations of cloud computing.
What is Cloud Computing ?
Cloud Computing is a shared pool of configurable computing service (e.g. networks, service, storage, applications, and services) network on demand over the internet.
Cloud computing, is the use of remote servers (usually accessible via the internet) to store information or data.
Using internet information can be easily access. Save files or large amount of data on a server through the internet.
Why the name cloud computing ?
The word "cloud" came from a network design that was used by network engineers to represent the location of various network devices and there inter-connection. The shape of this network design was looking like a cloud.
Now lets discuss some history of cloud computing.
Cloud Computing - History
01. During in 1950's the computers were huge and computers where occupying whole room.
02. The cost of buying and also maintaining mainframes, organization couldn't afford to buy one for each user.
03. Solution was "time sharing" in which more users can access to data and CPU time. The term "time sharing" is the principle of cloud computing.
04. In 1970 - IBM introduced VM's (virtual machine's) run on single physical machine.
Now we will discuss some advantages and limitations of cloud computing.
Advantages of Cloud Computing
01. Cost Reduction
02. Storage Increase
03. Resource Pooling
04. Highly Automated
05. Greater Mobility
06. Change the IT Focus
07. Towards Green IT
08. Keep Updated Things
09. Quick Elasticity
10. Measurement Service
Limitations of Cloud Computing
01. Security
02. Location and Data Privacy
03. Internet Addiction
04. Levels of Availability and Service
Hope this article may help you all a lot....
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